Category Archives: Uncategorized Goes Live

For quite a while now my lovely wife has been working on a small hand made sewing business known as Mushiyaki Sews.  She makes bibs, bandana bibs, wraps, pom pom garlands etc. for the cherished little ones in your life and sells them at various markets around perth, as well as in the SewLab popup in Many 6160, Fremantle.

Today she launched her website.  Show some support and visit and have a look around, leave a comment, or perhaps even place an order for a little present for someone you know with a baby.

The latest in our household

Once again time has flown and I haven’t written a post for ages – Callum is over 9 months old – wowsers!  So what’s been happening…

We recently went on holidays to Victoria to visit James’ family and go to Callum’s cousin’s first birthday party (that’s a mouthful).  We had a great time catching up with family and friends, plus a random coincidence: our lovely previous neighbours returned to Melbourne recently and we’d planned a catch up.  We were also intending to meet up with some old uni friend’s of James’ in Melbourne.  While organising these catch ups we discovered that our old neighbours live two doors down from James’ uni friends.  Seriously ridiculous.  Of all the streets in Melbourne!  We also had a delightful stay down at Ocean Grove on the coast and spent a few days in Ballarat with James’ family.  Good times!  The difficult part of the trip – the three hour time difference from WA to Victoria was pretty hard for Callum and we had a lot of night time settling angst.  A lot.

In other news, Callum stood up on his own for the first time the other day – in the bath the cheeky little monkey!!  He has also experienced daycare for the first time and is coping quite well with that.  In not so exciting news, the poor little dude has had his first nasty illness – pneumonia.  He is currently on antibiotics to help fight that one off.

James and I are both trying to get in some fitness fun too – he is back on the AFL Umpiring train and I have put my hand up as a fill in player for the most awesome Coastal Titans and have started back at yoga again.  Aaah, yoga.  Its tricky getting to these evening activities on time given that’s also when we’re trying to feed, bath and do bedtime for Callum, but we’re working on it 🙂

Since my last post we’ve also squeezed in a relaxing long weekend at Leeman (little fishing town north of Jurien), James had a work trip to Houston and I headed to Albs with Callum to hang with the fam while James was away.  Its been go, go, go!

Oh and our current trash TV series – MKR!  Some of those contestants drive me nuts though – anyone other MKR tragics know what I’m talking about??

James’ First Father’s Day

Callum was 12 weeks yesterday.  12 weeks!!  Time has been flying by…

Yesterday was also James’ first Father’s Day.  We had a nice, chilled day.  I cooked ‘Dad’ breakfast, James had lots of playtime with Callum and we all went for a walk around Lake Monger together.  James also ducked out to go browsing for a new TV – something he’s been wanting for ages.  He didn’t buy one, but I’m thinking it won’t be too much longer before we move on from our old box telly and enter the world of the flat screen.  We must be about the only people in Perth left without one judging by all the old box tellies you see on the curb during a curbside collection!

It was a bit of a day of mixed emotion for me as yesterday was also seven years since my own beloved Dad passed away after battling bowel cancer for two years.  Somehow having Callum with us made the day so much easier.  I think Dad would have been pretty stoked with Callum (and his other two grandchildren, Callum’s cousins, one of whom was born a few months before Dad passed away).  As Callum gets older I’ll fill him in on how awesome his Poppy was, even though he won’t get to meet him.

I hope all those Dads out there had a great day yesterday.  How did you spend Father’s Day?