Callum was 12 weeks yesterday. 12 weeks!! Time has been flying by…
Yesterday was also James’ first Father’s Day. We had a nice, chilled day. I cooked ‘Dad’ breakfast, James had lots of playtime with Callum and we all went for a walk around Lake Monger together. James also ducked out to go browsing for a new TV – something he’s been wanting for ages. He didn’t buy one, but I’m thinking it won’t be too much longer before we move on from our old box telly and enter the world of the flat screen. We must be about the only people in Perth left without one judging by all the old box tellies you see on the curb during a curbside collection!
It was a bit of a day of mixed emotion for me as yesterday was also seven years since my own beloved Dad passed away after battling bowel cancer for two years. Somehow having Callum with us made the day so much easier. I think Dad would have been pretty stoked with Callum (and his other two grandchildren, Callum’s cousins, one of whom was born a few months before Dad passed away). As Callum gets older I’ll fill him in on how awesome his Poppy was, even though he won’t get to meet him.
I hope all those Dads out there had a great day yesterday. How did you spend Father’s Day?
Hey Mish! Sounds like a top day… though Lake Monger sounds a bit less prestigious than lake burley griffin!! Our day was good, church in the morning followed by a picnic at LBG with some friends. Battled to keep Oscar from being attacked by seagulls and Amelia from diving in the drink! Top weather in the berra…
Hey Whitey 🙂 Hope all is well! Sounds like you guys had a pretty awesome day too. Ha, ha – Lake Monger does sound a bit dodge doesn’t it? Its a really lovely spot though. Geez, Amelia would want to be careful going for a swim in LBG – never know what you might find in there 😉