Eggbert’s First Concert

For those of you not in the know, Eggbert is the name that my wife and I refer to our soon to be first child. Tonight we took him or her to his or her first concert – an awesome night in Kings Park listening to two legends of Australian Rock ‘n Roll, Paul Kelly and Neil Finn.

Eggbert is currently 29 weeks and according to all the books should now be starting to react to sounds. From the amount of movement going on in Michelle’s stomach Eggbert certainly liked the music tonight. While Michelle and I were dancing and jigging on our picnic blanket it was quite obvious that Eggbert was dancing and jigging in the lovely little coccoon of amniotic fluid within Michelle’s belly.

I wonder if we will end up with a musician or a dancer, or maybe just someone who enjoys both.

My Introduction to WordPress

On a recent visit with my mum and her husband I was discussing a website that they are involved with for the Southern Highlands University of the Third Age (U3A) He mentioned that the site is managed using wordpress which I had only ever heard of in respect to the site. A quick bit of research led me to WordPress.Org and suggested that I’d be very interested.

All I can say since then is that I’ve been very impressed. The download and install via my hosting company was incredibly painless using Softaculous, and getting some basic content up, customising a child template based on the default “twentytwelve” that it ships with was rather simple. Even getting some of my existing PHP code to work as a custom page and connect to a pre-existing database was relatively simple.

For further information on how to setup a child them and customise it within WordPress use the more link below.

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Eva Jean

Eva Jean

I received the news tonight that my younger brother, Nigel, and his wife, Jen, gave birth to the newest member of our family tonight. Welcome to the world Eva Jean, 8lb 3oz (3.71kg) and 53cm.

Now that I’ve made that announcement, does it seem strange that in a country that has used the metric system for well over 30 years now typically provides the weight of a new born baby in pounds, but the length in centimeters? Perhaps it is even stranger that nearly every adult I know now refers to their weight in kilograms but their height in feet and inches?

Baby’s Sex – Surprise or Not?

I was having dinner with a friend tonight and she asked me if we were knew or were going to find out the sex of our baby.  She was quite shocked to find out that we had decided to have a surprise.

In our point of view the sex of our baby is one of the few true surprises that is left to us in the modern world.  We don’t think that there are many things that would change for us even if we did know the sex of our child prior to birth and we are quite sure that we will manage to obtain the requisite number of pink or blue clothes in time.

I’m interested to hear from anyone out there that might have an opinion about why we should or should not find out the sex of our baby before it is born.

The Bump is Alive

My lovely wife Michelle has been having the pleasure of feeling our baby moving inside her for a little while now but yesterday I finally got to experience the movement for myself. Michelle called me over to the couch and told me that she could feel Eggbert (our temporary name) moving.

She had been explaining to me that it just felt like a random “pop” at various random times, but that it wasn’t happening with any regularity.  I was thinking that I might have to spend a lot of time with my hand glued to her stomach, especially as we weren’t even sure that what she was feeling inside her could be felt by someone else.  Luckily for both of us within a minute or two I felt a bump under my fingers.  It felt like Eggbert was just pushing my hand away – maybe I was blocking his or her view.

What a magical moment for a first time father to be and one that I won’t ever forget.